A Private Island...
...just ten minutes (5.5 miles) from the city of Gig Harbor, Raft Island is located on the Puget Sound with spectacular sunsets and views of Henderson Bay, the Olympic Mountains, and Cutts Island or "Deadmans" (pictured above). Connected to the mainland by a new, modern concrete bridge (which replaced the 788-foot timber bridge in 2014), there are approximately 200 homes on 160 acres. Islanders enjoy two community beaches, a boatlaunch, park areas and a tennis court. The Island is managed by the Raft Island Improvement Association (RIIA) and an Island Manager.Notices...
Raft Island Bridge Gate Exploratory Committee
A vote by the membership to determine if the island favors a gate or not, if it is determined to be feasible with resepct to (per the ballot) "potential locations, potential costs, potential legal requirements, potential permits, or any other related questions" was conducted at a special meeting on March 21. The vote was Yes (in favor of gates) 87, No (opposed to gates) 75.
Currently the committee is meeting with the USDA to determine if they have objections.
Here are the minutes for the January 09 2023 meeting of the committee, whose charter is to determine the feasibility of installing a gate at the bridge.
View the letter from the USDA regarding a gate.
Historical Documents Related To Gate Discussions
Island residents can contact the board (via the island manager) to obtain a zip file of email correspondence on the gate issue as of 02/13/2023 until arrangements are made to make it securely available from a cloud service.
NEW: Roadway, Roadside and Ditch Policies
The intent of this policy is to provide clear definitions of roadways, roadsides (right-of-way) boundaries and definition of ownership for trees and shrubs along roadways. This policy shall also define ownership and responsibilities for tree and shrub care and removal within and outside roadway and right of way.
The policy was approved at the last board meeting.
Raft Island Residents Message Board
If you are a current user of the message board, please log in to groups.google.com and select the RaftislandResidents group to update your preferences for receiving emails from the group. With few exceptions, everyone's preference has been set to "no emails" (i.e. you just want to view the group online). However, you can also choose to receive every email, a digest, a periodic summary.
Want to become a member of the group? Choose "Community" in the menu, then choose Message Board to get started.
RIIA Elections
Elections are held at the May meeting every year. Members interested in serving on the board can apply using this form
Board and Trustee roles and responsibilites are outlined here.
The proposed timeline for the nominating process can be reviewed here.
Please consider serving Raft Island!
RIIA Board Meetings
Board meetings are held at 7 pm on the third Monday of every month (except in unusual circumstances), including the Annual Meeting, which is in May.
Annual Election Results
The votes were tabulated and these are the Board members effective July 1:- President - Mike Hirko
- Vice President - RJ West
- Secretary - Katherine Walsh
- Treasurer - Anne Scea
- Trustees - C.W. Middleton, Jim Cushing
Please review the Annual Meeting Agenda (DRAFT). Check the Calendar of Events (on the Menu) for the next date and time.
If you would like to have an issue discussed at the next Board meeting, please contact the Island Manager and have her add it to the Agenda.
Review the current Agenda shortly prior to the next meeting, if it's available for posting in advance. No meeting in December, so the agenda for November will be there until the next one is posted.
View the Projected Plan for restoration and enhancement of the tennis court, developed May 2022.
The USDA requires these two documents be displayed at meetings. Please examine them:
EEO Poster
Justice for All
From The Island Manager
Pay Your Dues Online Read more in Menu >> Community Page >> Member Dues
- All vehicles parked at the South Beach parking area must display a Raft Island Parking Permit affixed to the glass on the driver's side of the windshield in the lower corner. Any vehicles without a permit properly displayed will be towed at the owner's expense.
- Do not stick the permit to a piece of plastic, laminate it, tape it or use any other method of display other than sticking the permit itself directly to the glass.
- If you need to get a permit, please call HOA Community Solutions at (253) 985-3812. Each property owner is allowed a maximum of two permits per lot owned.
If you have lost a permit, replacements can be purchased for $5 each and the lost permit will be inactivated. Damaged or worn out permits will be swapped out for no charge, but you must bring in the old permit with you. - Owners with tenants are responsible for providing their tenants with the parking permits for that property. We will not issue permits to tenants directly.
There have been reported thefts from vehicles at the South Beach. Please lock your vehicles and keep all valuables out of sight. Report any suspicious persons, activity or vehicles to the Sheriff Department by calling 911.
Break-ins on the island are an unfortunate fact of life. It is important to take every precaution to prevent theft and burglary. Keep doors locked and garage doors closed, even during the daylight hours!
- Investments Policy (revised 2024)
- Roadway, Roadside and Ditch Policies
- Parking and Towing
- Event Parking
- Dock Use
- Jumping / Diving Off The Bridge
- Collections Policy
- Easements For Sanitary Sewer Lines
- RIIA Work On Private Property
- Repairing Damage By Homeowner's Workmen
- Member Privacy
Other policies (such as EMERGENCY info, boat launch, parks and recrecation, parking and street maintenance) can be found on the Community page.

Aerial Photo of Raft Island

Lot Map

Road Map

EMERGENCY info can be found on the Community page.
To add or change your email on the RIIA EMAIL LIST please contact the Island Manager
To join the Raft Island Community Message Board see the Community page, >> Message Board >> and follow the instructions.